波音公司新專利,垂直起降可載 100 人的新型客機 Boeing’s new patent, a new passenger aircraft with a vertical take-off and landing of 100 people
之前報導過 Uber 計劃未來在市場上推出VTOL 垂直起降直升機,現在波音公司也加入這一行列啦!近日,波音公司獲得一項新專利:可搭載 100 名乘客的傾轉旋翼垂直起降客機。該客機將常規飛機的速度、範圍與直升機的垂直起降及懸停能力完美結合起來。
Previously reported that Uber plans to launch VTOL vertical takeoff and landing helicopters in the market in the future, and now Boeing has joined the ranks! Recently, Boeing has obtained a new patent: a tilting rotor that can carry 100 passengers to take off and land vertically. The aircraft combines the speed and range of a conventional aircraft with the helicopter’s vertical takeoff and landing and hovering capabilities.
Boeing’s new vertical take-off and landing aircraft, like the traditional aircraft, has a low tilting rotor position, so no special collision reinforcement is required and water landing is possible. In addition, it can carry fuel in the wing tank and can take off and land from a traditional airport. The engine is fixed, which simplifies many systems and reduces the weight of the wing and increases the clearance and payload capacity with the ground.
波音公司在軍事領域的垂直起降機上積累了豐富的經驗,比如 V-22 魚鷹式傾轉旋翼機及其衍生物。但現有的可傾轉旋翼機大多不適合民用,即便是用於民用的 AugustWestland BA609,也只能一次搭載 6 到 9 名乘客,無法滿足大規模客運需求以 V-22 魚鷹式傾轉旋翼機為例,該機型採用的是上單翼式設計,需要有一個沉重的構造設計來給予引擎額外的支撐力,同時要保護機身在墜落時不被損毀。
Boeing has accumulated extensive experience in military vertical hoists, such as the V-22 Osprey tilt-rotor and its derivatives. However, most of the existing tilting rotorcraft are not suitable for civilian use. Even the AugustWestland BA609 for civilian use can only carry 6 to 9 passengers at a time, which cannot meet the needs of large-scale passenger transportation. Take the V-22 Osprey tilt-rotor as an example. The model uses an upper single-wing design that requires a heavy construction design to give the engine extra support while protecting the fuselage from damage during a fall.
This design also makes aircraft maintenance and fuel supply difficult, and its inability to float on the water when it is forced to land on the water will also pose safety problems. In addition, because the wings are too high, there is a danger of leaking into the fuselage and the cabin if used to store fuel. The existing runways of most civil aviation airports are designed for the lower single-wing passenger aircraft, so the taxiing and loading and unloading of the upper monoplane has become a problem.
Another issue is where the engine is placed. Most tilting rotors are equipped with two engines, one for each wing tip, which share the lift load through a drive shaft. For safety reasons, the design of the two-sided engine is usually designed to be twice as large as it is required to prevent damage to one of the engines. If the two engines are designed to be disconnected from each other, the two engine specifications will be larger and the wing will have greater bearing capacity.
At present, the new vertical take-off and landing aircraft is only a patent, and there is no indication that the aircraft will be used for mass production.